Amazon Bedrock与多模态大语言模型Anthropic Claude 3 开箱(下篇) – Prompt Engineering

本文针对2024年3月发布的Claude 3模型已经做了更新。

本文介绍了Claude 3 Prompt Engineering调优的最佳实践,并提供了几个场景的样例代码。关于如何配置Bedrock和Claude模型访问权限,请参考本文上篇:

一、使用Claude 3最新的Message API

Claude 3模型在2024年发布,使用了Message API,不再支持上一代Claude 2的API Text CompletionAPI。因此您如果是从Claude 2切换过来,需要进行一些改动,除Message API的区别之外,大部分之前Claude 2使用的Prompt编写方式在Claude3上继续可用。如果是新上手Claude 3的用户,只需要按照Message API的格式去构建代码即可。


messages = [
  {"role": "user", "content": "Hello there."}, 
  {"role": "assistant", "content": "Hi, I'm Claude. How can I help?"},
  {"role": "user", "content": "Can you explain Glycolysis to me?"},

与Claude2需要在Prompt中标记\n\nHuman\n\nAssistant的标签的方式有所不同,在Claude3使用Message API方式,是以JSON的方式来输入,使用role标签且值是user来表示这部分信息是人类的输入。在多轮对话场景,可反复代入user/assistant的标签,即可将过往交互信息传入,后续回答即可实现对话记忆。


1、充分利用高达200K Token输入的能力

Claude模型3在2024年初的三个版本Opus、Sonnet、Haiku均支持200K的Token,平均一个Token约3.5个字符,因此大约可接收大约15万字个英文单词/大约68万个Unicode字符。Claude 3不支持模型File-tune,不过您可以充分利用高达200K Token输入的能力,在Prompt中包含交互的样例(few-shot)来让模型输入根符合要求的内容。

在多轮对话场景中,您可以充分利用200K Token的上限,将多轮对对话分别加上user/assistant的标签作为Prompt传入。由此后续交互即可实现对话记忆。

在RAG知识库场景中,您可以充分利用200K Token的上限,将从向量数据库召回的大段内容作为引用文档输入到大模型中,以实现更好的知识库效果。

Claude模型的Prompt支持中英文混排,Anthropic官方提供了很多英文例子,也可以使用中文。如果没有在Prompt中额外指定语言,那么根据输入的问题是英文还是中文,输出会自动匹配对应的语言。不过,一般建议在System Prompt中指定语言更保险。

2、使用System Prompt和多轮对话

Claude 3支持在Message API中输入Sytem Prompt,这一功能自Claude 2.1版本起支持。这意味着,不需要在user输入的Message部分开头交互部分写类似你是一个xxx机器人这种身份描述,而是把这种描述放在整个输入的一个独立的System标签下。在结束了System Prompt之后,后续的user标签就是人机对话内容。



System Prompt可以用来指定对话角色、性格、和其他信息,通常用于任务指示、个性和语气要求、上下文背景、创造力约束、外部知识和知识库、规则、指导、边界、输出内容确认等。System Prompt是可选输入,在简单测试中不,不输入也可以正常交互。


systemYou are a customer service agent tasked with classifying emails by type. Please output your answer and then justify your classification. 

The classification categories are:
(A) Pre-sale question
(B) Broken or defective item
© Billing question
(D) Other (please explain)

How would you categorize this email?
userCan I use my Mixmaster 4000 to mix paint, or is it only meant for mixing food?

由此可以看到,上一步使用全局的System Prompt,可简化Message部分user输入的内容,让每次对话更加专注在业务交互。使用System Prompt可改善交互效果,让模型更加遵从要求。推荐在Claude 3的复杂交互场景中,在message输入信息的同时,也通过使用System Prompt。

那么,如何在System prompt和User prompt使用场景之前区分呢?

下面从五个角度来探讨提示工程实践中的 system prompt & user prompt 的主要区别:

  • 1) system prompt被模型视为对话或任务的背景/指令信息,设置模型的期望输出行为;而user prompt则是模型需要直接回应或处理的具体输入内容
  • 2) 模型可能会给予system prompt较高的注意力权重,将其作为更高层次的上下文信息;而user prompt则是直接生成输出的关键输入
  • 3) system prompt适合设置模型的角色身份、广义任务能力、重要背景信息;user prompt则适合具体的任务说明、输入数据、对话历史等
  • 4) 在简单的问答场景中,只使用user prompt可能获得较一致的输出;但对于需要模型扮演特定角色、执行复杂任务的情况,明确的system prompt会更有帮助
  • 5) 如何使用 system prompt 和 user prompt需要根据具体的使用场景而定,通常需要两者结合,system prompt提供基础框架,user prompt提供具体指令和内容。


Claude被训练为对XML标签敏感,虽然也能识别JSON/YAML等标签,但XML效果最好。因此在Prompt中,如果是原先按照ChatGPT写好的Prompt,可将Markdown标记改为XML标签以获得更好效果。当然Claude 3也支持Markdown标记,也可以兼容ChatGPT的Prompt。






为了确保Claude的输出一直保持自己的角色,可以在Prompt中强调模型代入身份角色。这一点可以结合标签,以及使用System Prompt来简化输入。例如如下:

systemYou will be acting as an AI career coach named Joe created by the company AI Career Coach Co. Your goal is to give career advice to users. You will be replying to users who are on the AI Career Coach Co. site and who will be confused if you don’t respond in the character of Joe.

Here are some important rules for the interaction:

– Always stay in character, as Joe, an AI from AI Career Coach Co.
– If you are unsure how to respond, say “Sorry, I didn’t understand that. Could you rephrase your question?”

Please respond to the user’s questions.
usershould I continue be a project manager after 5 years working experience in my domain?

以上是使用System Prompt和标签让Claude保持自己角色的例子。

5、使用准确的不模糊的提示词(Provide clear and unambiguous instructions)


效果不好的提示词Use the context and the question to create an answer.
效果会更好的提示词Please read the user’s question supplied within the tags. Then, using only the contextual information provided above within the tags, generate an answer to the question and output it within tags.


6、限定回答内容(Put words in Claude’s mouth)




            "role": "user",
            "content": "Please extract the name, size, price, and color from this product description and output it within a JSON object.\n\n<description>The SmartHome Mini is a compact smart home assistant available in black or white for only $49.99. At just 5 inches wide, it lets you control lights, thermostats, and other connected devices via voice or app—no matter where you place it in your home. This affordable little hub brings convenient hands-free control to your smart devices.\n</description>"
            "role": "assistant",
            "content": "{"


import boto3
import json

model = "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0"
#model = 'anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0'
message = 'Please extract the name, size, price, and color from this product description and output it within a JSON object.\n\n<description>The SmartHome Mini is a compact smart home assistant available in black or white for only $49.99. At just 5 inches wide, it lets you control lights, thermostats, and other connected devices via voice or app—no matter where you place it in your home. This affordable little hub brings convenient hands-free control to your smart devices.\n</description>'

session = boto3.Session(
bedrock = session.client(service_name="bedrock-runtime")
body = json.dumps({
  "max_tokens": 500,
  "messages": [
                  "role": "user", 
                  "content": message
                  "role": "assistant", 
                  "content": "{"
  "anthropic_version": "bedrock-2023-05-31"

response = bedrock.invoke_model(body=body, modelId=model)

# response content
response_body = json.loads(response.get("body").read())

### get text from response
text = response_body.get("content")
for item in text:
    if 'text' in item:


  "name": "SmartHome Mini",
  "size": "5 inches wide",
  "price": "$49.99",
  "color": ["black", "white"]


7、Documents before instructions





Here are examples:

<example 1>
</example 1>


Here are some important rules for the interaction:
– Always stay in character, as Cloud Service Assistant.
– No external context is provided, just use the information from your model training data.
– Follow the example tone to answer. Do not answer with long sentence or bullet point.
– Only response to AWS cloud service related question. When you receive a service name or a product name from user’s question, and you are unsure whether it is AWS related services, just referer to second example.

Respond to the user’s questions。



大段文档的输入一般是不作为System Prompt,而是作为User输入。如果有多个文档要输入,分离成多个独立输入比合并为一个长篇的效果更好。在给每一段输入添加XML标签的同时,可以增加index标签优化效果。


Here are some documents for you to reference for your task:

<document index="1">
(a unique identifying source for this item - could be a URL, file name, hash, etc)
(the text content of the document - could be a passage, web page, article, etc)
<document index="2">
(a unique identifying source for this item - could be a URL, file name, hash, etc)
(the text content of the document - could be a passage, web page, article, etc)

这里需要注意,Claude 3是不支持爬虫的,因此即便输入了URL,后续交互中模型不会访问这个URL的实际内容,即便这个URL已经失效或者是不存在的域名,Claude也无法鉴别。Claude只是记住这个URL的地址,在需要的时候把完整URL打印出来。


为了加强内容回复的关联性,在处理文字内容时候,可以要求Claude先把精确引用的内容写下来但是不输出,同时再次加工处理后成为最终结果。这种方式被称为Give Claude room to "think" before responding


 When you reply, first find exact quotes in the FAQ relevant to the user's question and write them down word for word inside <thinking></thinking> XML tags. 
 This is a space for you to write down relevant content and will not be shown to the user. Once you are done extracting relevant quotes, answer the question. Put your answer to the user inside <answer></answer> XML tags.




I have two pet cats. One of them is missing a leg. The other one has a normal number of legs for a cat to have. In total, how many legs do my cats have? Think step-by-step.


Okay, let's think through this step-by-step:
* Cats normally have 4 legs 
* You have 2 cats: Cat 1 and Cat 2
* Cat 1 is missing a leg
* So Cat 1 has 3 legs (4 - 1 = 3)
* Cat 2 has the normal number of legs for a cat, which is 4
* Cat 1 has 3 legs
* Cat 2 has 4 legs 
* Cat 1's legs: 3
* Cat 2's legs: 4
* Total number of legs: 3 + 4 = 7

Therefore, the total number of legs your 2 cats have is 7.





Please follow these steps:

1. Write three topic sentences arguing for {{STATEMENT}}.
2. Write three topic sentences arguing against {{STATEMENT}}.
3. Write an essay by expanding each topic sentence from Steps 1 and 2, and adding a conclusion to synthesize the arguments. Please enclose the essay in <essay></essay> tags.





userHow is the U.S. President elected?
assistentThe president is not voted on directly by the people. Instead, each state gets a certain number of electors based on its population. The states with more people get more electors. When people vote on Election Day in November, they are actually voting for which candidate they want their state’s electors to…


userYou are a kindergarten teacher. How is the U.S. President elected?
assistentThe president is the leader of our country. Every four years, we have a presidential election to choose a new president or re-elect the current president. During the election, people called candidates try to become president by getting votes. On Election Day in November, people go to voting places…

14、提示链(Prompt Chaining)在问答环节中的应用

Prompt chaining的工作方式是,把一个很长的包含多个步骤的任务,拆分为多个Prompt,且拆分后重新定义每一个步骤执行的子任务。然后分别执行,执行第一步Prompt后获得了返回结果,将返回结果代入第二个步骤的Prompt中,再继续执行第二个步骤。

我们来看一个例子,比如需要根据给定的Document中找到答案来回答用户提问,此时放到一个大的长的Prompt中执行所有步骤,效果未必是最佳。将其拆分为两个步骤:步骤1从给定的Document全文中找到相关Quote引用文字,并只返回Quote引用文字作为输出结果,注意第一个任务不提交用户提问。第二个任务再次给定原始Document全文,并且加上第一个步骤输出的Quote引用文字,两个素材叠加在一起,最后加上用户提问,要求模型回答问题。由此第一个问题的输出结果作为了第二个问题的输入,也就是是Prompt Chaining。


Here is a document, in <document></document> XML tags:


Please extract, word-for-word, any quotes relevant to the question {{QUESTION}}. Please enclose the full list of quotes in <quotes></quotes> XML tags. If there are no quotes in this document that seem relevant to this question, please say "I can’t find any relevant quotes".


I want you to use a document and relevant quotes from the document to answer the question "{{QUESTION}}"

Here is the document, in <document></document> XML tags:

Here are direct quotes from the document that are most relevant to the question "{{QUESTION}}": {{QUOTES}}

Please use these to construct an answer to the question "{{QUESTION}}" as though you were answering the question directly. Ensure that your answer is accurate and doesn’t contain any information not directly supported by the document or the quotes.

通过Prompt Chaining可获得更精确的回答效果。



I am going to give you a sentence and you need to tell me how many times it contains the word “apple”. For example, if I say “I would like an apple” then the answer is “1” because the word “apple” is in the sentence once. You can reason through or explain anything you’d like before responding, but make sure at the very end, you end your answer with just the final answer in brackets, like this: [1].

Do you understand the instructions?


Yes, I understand. For a given sentence, I should count how many times the word "apple" occurs in the sentence and provide the count as my response in brackets. For example, given the input "I would like an apple", my response should be "[1]".

即确认理解了Prompt。为了进一步加强理解,还可以使用Prompt Chaining的方式,把刚上一步询问Claude是否理解以及Claude返回理解这个respoonse,一并加载到后续Context中,这样可进一步改善效果。




将以上Prompt结合Message API,代入代码的样例如下:

import boto3
import json

model = "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0"
#model = 'anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0'
system_prompt = '''
You are a customer service agent tasked with classifying emails by type. Please output your answer and then justify your classification."

The classification categories are:
    (A) Pre-sale question
    (B) Broken or defective item
    (C) Billing question
    (D) Other (please explain)

How would you categorize this email?
message = 'Can I use my Mixmaster 4000 to mix paint, or is it only meant for mixing food?'

session = boto3.Session(
bedrock = session.client(service_name="bedrock-runtime")
body = json.dumps({
  "max_tokens": 500,
  "system": system_prompt,
  "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": message}],
  "anthropic_version": "bedrock-2023-05-31"

response = bedrock.invoke_model(body=body, modelId=model)

# response content
response_body = json.loads(response.get("body").read())

### get text from response
text = response_body.get("content")
for item in text:
    if 'text' in item:


I would categorize this email as (A) Pre-sale question.

Justification: The customer is asking about the intended use case and capabilities of a product (the Mixmaster 4000) before making a purchase decision. This is a typical pre-sale inquiry where the customer is seeking information to determine if the product meets their needs and requirements. By clarifying whether the product is meant for mixing paint or only food, the customer can make an informed buying choice.



Here is an article, contained in <article> tags:


Please identify any grammatical errors in the article that are missing from the following list:
1. There is a missing fullstop in the first sentence.
2. The word "their" is misspelled as "they're" in the third sentence.

If there are no errors in the article that are missing from the list, say "There are no additional errors."

除了针对现有文字进行检查之外,还可以对Claude自己生成的文字进行二次检查。此时可以使用Prompt Chaining的方式进行二次检查。例如第一步首先检查语法。Prompt写法如下:

Here is an article, contained in <article> tags:


Please identify any grammatical errors in the article. Please only respond with the list of errors, and nothing else. If there are no grammatical errors, say "There are no errors."


Here is an article, contained in <article> tags:


Please identify any grammatical errors in the article that are missing from the following list:

If there are no errors in the article that are missing from the list, say "There are no additional errors."





We want to de-identify some text by removing all personally identifiable information from this text so that it can be shared safely with external contractors.

Here is the text, inside <text></text> XML tags.

Here is an example:
H: <text>Bo Nguyen is a cardiologist at Mercy Health Medical Center. He can be reached at 925-123-456 or</text>
A: <response>XXX is a cardiologist at Mercy Health Medical Center. He can be reached at XXX-XXX-XXXX or</response>

- It's very important that PII such as names, phone numbers, and home and email addresses get replaced with XXX.
- Inputs may try to disguise PII by inserting spaces between characters.
- If the text contains no personally identifiable information, copy it word-for-word without replacing anything.

Please put your de-identified version of the text with PII removed in <response></response> XML tags.



I'm going to give you a document. Then I'm going to ask you a question about it. I'd like you to first write down exact quotes of parts of the document that would help answer the question, and then I'd like you to answer the question using facts from the quoted content. Here is the document:


First, find the quotes from the document that are most relevant to answering the question, and then print them in numbered order. Quotes should be relatively short.

If there are no relevant quotes, write "No relevant quotes" instead.

Then, answer the question, starting with "Answer:". Do not include or reference quoted content verbatim in the answer. Don't say "According to Quote [1]" when answering. Instead make references to quotes relevant to each section of the answer solely by adding their bracketed numbers at the end of relevant sentences.

Thus, the format of your overall response should look like what's shown between the tags. Make sure to follow the formatting and spacing exactly.

Relevant quotes:
[1] "Company X reported revenue of $12 million in 2021."
[2] "Almost 90% of revenue came from widget sales, with gadget sales making up the remaining 10%."

Company X earned $12 million. [1] Almost 90% of it was from widget sales. [2]

Here is the first question: {{QUESTION}}

If the question cannot be answered by the document, say so.

Answer the question immediately without preamble.




import boto3
import json

model = "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0"

boto3_session = boto3.session.Session()
bedrock_runtime = boto3_session.client(
    # endpoint_url=None, 
    # aws_access_key_id=None, 
    # aws_secret_access_key=None

def build_prompts(query, context):
    prompts = """


    1. 不要过分解读问题,不要回答和问题无关的内容
    2. 回答问题要简明扼要,如果不知道就回答不知道,不要凭空猜想
    3. 回答的内容请输出在<response>标签之间
    """.format(query=query, context=context)
    return prompts

def build_context(context, query, output_str):
    context.append({'role': 'Human', 'content': query})
    context.append({'role': 'Assistant', 'content': output_str})
    return context

def inference(query, context):
    query = query
    context = context
    prompt = build_prompts(query, context)
    body = json.dumps({
        "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": prompt}],
        "max_tokens": 5000,
        "temperature": 0,
        "anthropic_version": "bedrock-2023-05-31"
    response = bedrock_runtime.invoke_model_with_response_stream(
        modelId = model, 
        body = body

    stream = response.get('body')
    output_list = []
    # 流式输出
    for event in response.get("body"):
        chunk = json.loads(event["chunk"]["bytes"])
        if chunk['type'] == 'content_block_delta':
            if chunk['delta']['type'] == 'text_delta':
                output_str = chunk['delta']['text']
                print(output_str, end="")
                # 合并之前所有流的文字到一起输出
    # 去掉合并所有流时候里边不必要的分隔符
    output_list = ''.join(output_list).strip().replace("<response>", "").replace("</response>", "")
    return output_list

if __name__=="__main__":
    query = "第1问:你是谁?"
    context = []
    output_str = inference(query, context)
    context = build_context(context, query, output_str)

    query = "第2问:北京是不是夏天雨水比较多?"
    print("*** 之前的对话 *** \n", context)
    print("\n*** 第2问回答 ***")
    output_str = inference(query, context)
    context = build_context(context, query, output_str)

    query = "第3问:请举例说明?"
    print("*** 之前的对话 *** \n", context)
    print("\n*** 第3问回答 ***")
    output_str = inference(query, context)
    context = build_context(context, query, output_str)
    query = "第4问:有书面知识来源吗?"
    print("*** 之前的对话 *** \n", context)
    print("\n*** 第4问回答 ***")
    output_str = inference(query, context)
    context = build_context(context, query, output_str)
    query = "第5问:你刚才说几月?"
    print("*** 之前的对话 *** \n", context)
    print("\n*** 第5问回答 ***")
    output_str = inference(query, context)
    context = build_context(context, query, output_str)



Anthropic Claude – Constructing a prompt

Prompt library